
sprinkling positivity

Working 9-5 what a way to make a living…

Why is it that we buy into the 9-5 working way of living…

As 5 year olds in school we have great dreams of becoming astronauts, ballet dancers, actors and so on.. So why is it that we lose this drive, this passion to fulfill our ambitions.

Of course as we grow older our passions might change but even then we find ourselves settling for things on a much smaller scale because we no longer believe our dreams are achievable.

Growing up, we are surrounded in a society that has been set in a trap, we’re programmed with limiting beliefs that do not serve us, that ‘real’ life is hard and that dreams are just dreams.

From a young age in school we are taught that we are dumb or stupid if we don’t pass the exams they set us, even though we are all different with various IQ and emotional intelligence. Slowly our dreams floats away.. we are told we have to be realistic and not live in a fantasy land.

The truth is we are being tricked out of our lives. We leave school with a lot of fear, confusion, self-doubt and insecurities, mostly from comparison to others because we are expected all to do the same things and then compare ourselves for not being the same.

In my opinion, it’s all intentional, so that with these insecurities we can work for the system.

By working for the system I mean spending the majority of our life working to earn money, just so we can then give it back to the system by buying a big house, a nice car and the latest gadgets and materialistic things.

The marketing world makes us believe that by purchasing the latest gadgets, going on exotic holidays and owning a flash car – it will make us happy and prove our success.

We have bought into the statement that ‘Money buys happiness’. With the insecurities we have from leaving school. we have something great to prove so when we earn money, we want to buy things to prove our success, to ourselves and others. We want to own the latest gadget or newest car.. not really for ourselves but for what others will think of us.

That comes from that insecurity that was ingrained within from a young age. We constantly want more, because the marketing world will always bring new things into creation and to want to keep proving our success, we will always be buying more. We will never feel fulfilled with what we have, not whilst someone else has more than us.

And so we become slaves to the system.. spending fifty years of our lives working for money, just to spend it back on materialistic things that actually only bring us short-term happiness, so that we have to go back to working the long hours just to buy the next big thing.. a continuous cycle of dis-contentment and unfulfillement.

We are lucky to then have our health after we retire, all these things but our lives have passed us by.. Or many have a mid-life crisis from recognizing their deep unhappiness from being alive but not really living. More so, nowadays mental illnesses are on the rise within young adults from the self-doubt, fear of the future and simply feeling lost.

I ask you to question whatever your doing, question your intentions and what you really want out of your life.

Perhaps you say you want a lot of money, why? We all want to be comfortable but there is no need for greed.

Imagine if you worked your own hours, doing something you dream about and serves your passion.. that would bring you fulfillment, time spent working would be more like doing a hobby and you would have spare time to do things for yourself or your family. All you need is self-belief that you can actually create any kind of life that you want, know that any limiting beleifs that you cannot do that, are not real. Recognize the potential within yourself, within all of us.

We are the creators of our lives, its time we began to live up to it.

Follow your dreams and unleash your power

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Feel the fear and do it anyway

Fear and Denial. That’s what I’ve been working with this week.

Through observing my behaviour and patterns, I have come to recognize that I keep dismissing my desires. Any time an opportunity comes up to create something for myself that I am passionate about, I get excited but then dismiss it with the excuses like –

‘Its not the right time’, ‘ I don’t have the time or energy right now’ , ‘I should just focus on something smaller for now’,

I think the truth is that I am denying what I want because I am scared. Scared to admit to myself and ask for what I want because then I will want to go ahead and pursue it. If I try to pursue it, then I am vulnerable because I am out of my comfort zone in the unknown, which brings up fear.

Fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear of not being taken seriously.

I questioned why are these things important to me? I realized it’s only the ego they are important to.It is only my ego that will feel embarrassed, inferior or a failure. And essentially I’m trying to weaken the ego so what’s to hold me back?

If I know within that I have good intentions, that I will try my best and that’s all I can do. Then why let the ego create a false illusion of what might happen in the future because It is afraid of being damaged.

Does this scenario sound similar to you? Are you afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone to try something new for yourself? Are you afraid you will fail, look stupid or have people laugh at you?

Yet if we give in to these fears then we will never move forward, forever thinking ‘What If?’

Deep within ourselves we know what we want, sometimes we are just to scared to tell ourselves it and ask.

I think our purpose is to fulfill our passions and desires, otherwise why would they be there? They are god’s gift to us.

What we do with them is up to us. But fear.. fear is just an illusion, it is what prevents us from looking or searching for our desires, it is our excuse for acting small and inferior because we are afraid to risk things to become what we desire.

I am challenging myself to give up fear, knowing that it is only a limitation. I transform my energy to focusing on what I can do, what I can create, focusing only on the positive with affirmations and visualisation of what I want to create.

Like attracts like, its the Law of Attraction. Eliminate doubt, there is no space for that.

Great things come from the unknown..

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Challenging our thoughts

So now that we see that we are able to observe the mind and its destructive thoughts, how are we going to challenge them you may ask?

Training your mind to observe your thoughts and pick out the negative ones that cause you or others suffering will not happen overnight, it takes time and is a learning process, with time it will get easier until you are able to observe your thoughts most of the time. Think of it like learning to ride a bicycle, you keep practising and practising no matter how many times you fall off and you gradually get better and better until you master it.

Once we’ve got to the stage of becoming aware of our negative thoughts we then move on to challenging them.

Listen to the thought, observe it, question is this the truth, is this who I am & is this the kind of thought that does me good.

For example – A couple of days ago I met a woman who talked about herself and her story to anyone and everyone who would listen, we came to the conclusion that she must have some mental health problems from what she was saying.

I was quick to judge and see her as a nuisance, someone to avoid and somebody annoying who had no interest in other people as she was caught up in herself and her story.

It took me a while but I finally realized I hadn’t given this woman much of a chance, I was quick to judge and I didn’t really know her well at all. I know we’re all the same inside and we all just want to be loved so I went to the effort to put my judgement aside and get to know her. I found a woman who has been through a very difficult time from her childhood all through to her adult years and now she had found the light – she was happy. The reason she wanted to tell everyone her story is because she wanted them to understand how they can be happy too. She wants to end people’s misery. Perhaps she was telling people that didn’t want to listen but she had good intentions.

My conclusion is that by observing my mind and realizing I was being judgemental I was able to have a completely different view of a person and instead had empathy and understanding for someone instead of assuming they were a certain way.

Listen to yourselves, become aware if you’re being judgemental, critical or creating a bad habit/behaviour. Accept that negative thought and challenge it by doing the opposite.

I hope this isn’t too much babbling and makes sense!

Wishing you all well, we can all achieve great things.

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Learning to move forward when we’re stuck in life.

We all find ourselves complaining about problems in our lives but never really doing anything to change them.

If there’s a situation in life that we cannot accept, that causes negative emotions then why don’t we change it?

It’s all to easy to sit there and constantly complain over and over about the same thing. We find ourselves playing the victim (yes me too!) Whilst we’re playing the victim we can go on to complain that the problem won’t go away, life is hard and it’s not getting easier over time. This is the way it will remain for years – That is unless we decide to DO something about it. We are all capable of changing things in our lives that make us unhappy.

Think – Does complaining about a problem solve it? It may get you some sympathy to start with but people will soon dissappear as they get tired of trying to help you, because we can only help ourselves.

Next time you find yourself complaining about a problem that you’ve had for weeks,months or years; think to yourself, how can I change this. What can I DO to change this situation.

Many problems revolve around relationships, work, finances or health.

Most of the time we are scared of tackling problems head on, we resist change but change is a part of life and something that is out of our control. Situations change, problems arise and we have to DO things to adapt and deal with them.

Our aim in life is to be happy

So search for a new job if the one you have leaves you unfulfilled, break up with your partner if they no longer make you happy, budget better or look for ways to earn more if your in a financial rut and look after yourself mentally and physically if you’re health is important to you.

Tackling problems in a positive way will leave you productive and with time a happier, healthier person.

Remember – we cannot change other people, we can only change ourselves! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Hello wonderful world!

Hello beautiful people!

So for a while now I’ve been wanting to help people feel better about themselves,ย and life in general when they’re either going through a challenging time or just having a bad day. Yet I’ve been feeling pretty lost as to how I can help anyone and everyone. So here I am with a new blog!

My aim is to spread positivity, share mine and others experiences and to spread the knowledge and information I have learnt from books and people.

Just to clarify – This is not MY blog. This is a blog for anyone and everyone – I would like anyone and everyone who wants to contribute to do so. Whether it’s a thought,feeling, story, photo or drawing etc. I would be eternally grateful.

My goal is to create a positive place that people can access to learn and share tips and feel better about themselves!

Well, that’s about it for now! Please be patient whilst I set this up as I am on the other side of the world with limited wifi.

Remember, the sun is always shining ๐Ÿ™‚

Much Love

Sian x


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