
sprinkling positivity

Finding Balance in your life

Finding balance can be difficult, especially as we have so many different areas of our lives to balance.

Creating this equal balance in our lives takes time and effort to tune in with ourselves, to listen to gut feeling and intuition, to know if we are doing too much or could push ourselves to do more.

Its about experimenting and learning about yourself. Learning to trust your body, it takes great care of you and will always let you know if something is wrong and therefore out of balance. This is why it’s so important to be present and take time daily to tune-in with yourself.

People often run around all day, busy or stressed, rushing from one place to another. They probably get symptoms of illness way before they stop and realize, by this time the body is screaming. Where as if you take time daily to listen you will notice even minor symptoms and therefore be able to prevent it getting worse.

If you find yourself constantly tired or ill with lethargic symptoms, cold, flu’s, sickness bugs or digestive problems.. consider why that is.

A few years ago I had a cold every other week. I kept complaining but once i’d get better I went back to normal and the next week I’d be sick again. I never thought about getting to the root of the problem and trying to prevent illness. It turned out I was supressing emotions, living with a unhealthy diet, not enough sleep or too much, drinking a lot of alcohol and spending no time alone. I had completely lost balance of many areas in life, this resulted in feeling lost and constantly run down and lethargic.

Balance is they key to a healthy life. Make time for yourself, only you can figure out a balance for your mind, body and soul. You have to truly listen to you as all our bodies are unique to us

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Question what and who you are

Power within

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Take a little time out for yourself daily

I have been practising self-observation, personal growth and development over 6 months now and so I have come to recognize when I am out of touch with myself. Disconnected.

The funny thing is, I am beginning to observe these times also, proving very interesting.

The past two weeks I was in a new environment, attempting to settle in and get used to my surroundings and keeping busy, dismissing my usual personal practises.

The interesting thing was, the less I practised yoga, reading and writing to myself in notes or my journal – the more I was seeking outside, through facebook, looking up pointless things on the internet to pass time.

I actually had a very odd feeling within myself, like a gap. A feeling of disconnected, I wasnt giving the mind and body the time and attention it needed to observe and sort out my thoughts and feelings.

Essentially neglecting myself, seeking fulfillment from outside, procrastinating on facebook and not achieving anything with my time. It’s funny how easily we can fall into a habit of doing so and without even the awareness.

I feel a much happier, less anxious person when I am being productive with my time, making time for myself and limiting my use of internet, social media and phone contact. It takes effort, motivation, self-discipline and awareness to cut out the latter or limit technology usage, set aside time for ourselves, to be on our own and listen to ourselves.

Listening to ourselves is an act of kindness and love, please don’t neglect yourself. Dedicate time out of your day to look after your mental and physical wellbeing. As you would for exercise, take time out to observe how you feel, take five minutes to do a breathing exercise, write down your thoughts.

Re-connect with yourself. You will find yourself feeling happier and connecting with all aspects of life in a positive way.

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I make time to nourish my mind, body and spirit


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A note from within

Regardless of what you think you may see on the outside that seems to separate you and leave no common ground; look deeper. Know that in each and every single person there is that light that you share, the good intention, the love and infinty. Beyond all the outer layer where we appear to be different, underneath it all, we are just the same.

Therefore you need not like-minded people because you are surrounded by like-hearted people. Bring light to their lives to uncover their potential and power as human beings. Help them break free by breaking free yourself. Know that whatever words you speak, they will have an understanding from within ; be true, be you, share and love.

Do not judge others paths, remember where you have come from. Be grateful for where you are. With purpose and intention to shine this light of love with all human beings, so they too can find this love within themselves.

I bring love, health and happiness with the light of love from within – together we can create a new earth.

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Where the Ego is concerned, we’re all actors playing different Roles in life.

Have you ever witnessed somebody your close to, meet new people and they act completely different? That’s not them, that’s their ego.

Have you ever been asked by a shop assistant how are you and replied im fine thanks, even though you’re feeling sad. That’s not you, that’s your ego.

When you go to the hair dresser do you feel the need to make conversation, even though you’d prefer to be sitting in silence? That again is your ego.

Our ego like to play different roles with different people. When we’re buying something for example, we play the role of a customer – making general chit chat because that’s what customers do. We’re acting like a customer.

When we meet different people we don’t act ourselves, the ego kicks in. For example you would act a different role if you were to meet the queen, yet how would you act if you were to meet her cleaners?

We would probably feel inferior looking up to the queen, acting like we’re from the same class, trying to be someone we’re not.

With the cleaners we would perhaps talk down to them and feel superior, that we are better, again being someone we’re not.

When we are in a situation when we feel superior or inferior, that’s when we can become aware that’s not our true self – its our ego. When we’re playing roles of the ego, that’s when we are not being real, we don’t connect as humans and realise that we are all the same.

So much of the time we let what we do for work take over who we are. We let our ego take over and believe that what we do for work, what we look like on the outside, what we own, what social class we are in – that’s who we are. But its not, that’s not what defines us. We are so much more than everything thats outside of us.

For example if you become a parent, yes it takes over your life but you are still you, a person, a human being with a life. If you are sick, you are not that sickness you are simply dealing with a sickness. If you are a content living in a council estate, it doesn’t make you any less successful as somebody with a mansion that may be deeply unhappy.

We play the different roles to act to peoples different expectations. We act differently with our friends to when we’re with our parents, why is that? Are we afraid our parents wont accept us as we truly are, or are we putting on a role of behaviour when we’re with our friends that our parents wouldn’t recognize?

Perhaps think about how you act differently with different people. Observe how you are, are you the same person with your family, friends, co-workers, public? If not, question why? Why are you afraid to be who you truly are.

I felt sad on public transport a while back and although I wanted to cry and could feel the emotion building up, i didn’t let it out because I was worried what other people would think of me. I was worried they’d stare at the girl crying. I observed that experience and now I question why, it was obviously my ego. You’re not meant to show your emotion unless you’re happy, that’s what my belief was and that’s for many others too. That’s why so many people plaster a smile on their face and say ‘im fine’, yet they question the meaning of their life and cry at home most nights.

Why are we all lying to each other? Why can’t we be open and honest when things are bothering us? Because our ego’s get in the way. Our ego’s dont want us to be vulnerable, if we’re open then we may easily get rejected therefore its easier to stay guarder and cold, sticking to the smiley yes im fine. This is why we’re not connecting with each other as beings and instead using assumptions and judgments to rule our life – letting the ego live our lives.

I hope this post helps people identify when the ego starts to kick in. Don’t be ashamed or beat yourself up about it, it’s perfectly natural. The ego is very strong, only when you become aware of it and its actions, thats when it becomes weaker.

Challenge it and see for yourselves 🙂

Remember, the sun is always shining 🙂

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Listen to your inner child


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Silentium – By Fyodor Tyutchev

Be silent, hide away and let
your thoughts and longings rise and set
in the deep places of your heart.
Let dreams move silently as stars,
in wonder more than you can tell.
Let them fulfil you – and be still.

What heart can ever speak its mind?
How can some other understand
the hidden pole that turns your life?
A thought, once spoken, is a lie.
Don’t cloud the water in your well;
drink from this wellspring – and be still.

Live in yourself. There is a whole
deep world of being in your soul,
burdened with mystery and thought.
The noise outside will snuff it out.
Day’s clear light can break the spell.
Hear your own singing – and be still.

Contributed by Lowri Morgan (Thank you!)

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I am grateful for my body

We’re all spirits having a human experience.

Therefore we are not our bodies, we are souls living a human experience through our bodies.

Without a body we would not be living this experience.

This is a great way to look past our flaws and see the beauty of our functioning bodies.

Looking at our bodies from this point of view shows us that calling ourselves fat, skinny, ugly does not serve us any purpose. Like everything in life we should be grateful for what we do have working, instead of looking at what doesnt work for us.

Today my affirmation is –

I am grateful for the gift of life through my body, my functioning limbs, my beating heart, my organs.

If you think of your body in this way then why would you ever want to harm it? Physcially or mentally.

You would have no need to criticize, compare or hate yourself.

You would feed yourself with wholesome foods, exercise and take time out to care for yourself.

An important message for us all (Me very much included). 

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